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Joint Problems

Joint pain/Arthritis, is discomfort that affects one or more joints in your body. A joint is where the ends of two or more of your bones come together. For example, your hip joint is where your thigh bone meets your pelvis.

Joint discomfort is common and usually felt in your hands, feet, knees or spine. Pain in your joints may be constant, or it can come and go. Sometimes, your joints can feel stiff, achy or sore. Some people complain of a burning, throbbing or “grating” sensation. In addition, your joints may feel stiff in the morning but loosen up and feel better with movement and activity. However, too much activity could make your pain worse.

Joint pain may affect the function of your joints and can limit your ability to do basic tasks. Severe, painful joints can interfere with your quality of life. Treatment should focus not only on pain but on getting back to daily activities and living your life to the fullest.

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Gastrointestinal diseases

Gastrointestinal diseases are the most common problems affecting the GI tract (including your colon and rectum). Constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), nausea, gas, bloating and diarrhea are common examples. Many factors can upset your Gastrointestinal tract and its motility (ability to keep moving), including:

  • Eating a diet low in fiber.
  • Eating a diet low in fiber.
  • Not getting enough exercise.
  • Traveling or other changes in routine.
  • Eating large amounts of dairy products.
  • Stress.
  • Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, possibly because of hemorrhoids.
  • Overusing anti-diarrheal medications that, over time, weaken the bowel muscle movements called motility.
  • Taking antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminum.
  • Taking certain medicines (especially antidepressants, iron pills and strong pain medicines such as narcotics).
  • Pregnancy.

Women Health

Leukorrhea is made up of both fluid and cells and Irregular periods in India is common problem that affects upto 25% of women population in India.Dysfunction of the female reproductive system and cysts are widespread in India.Ovarian cysts are prevalent in Indian women. Endometriosis is an often-painful condition in which tissue that is similar to the inner lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus also a common health issue in country.


Berries are among the healthiest foods you can eat.

They’re delicious, nutritious, and provide a number of impressive health benefits.

Here are few good reasons to include berries in your diet.

  1. Loaded with antioxidants
  2. May help improve blood sugar and insulin response
  3. High in fiber
  4. Provide many nutrients
  5. Help fight inflammation
  6. May help lower cholesterol levels
  7. May be good for your skin
  8. May help protect against cancer
  9. Can be enjoyed on nearly all types of diets
  10. 10. May help keep your arteries healthy
  11. Delicious alone or in healthy recipes.

Berries taste great, are highly nutritious, and provide many health benefits, including for your heart and skin.

By including them in your diet on a regular basis, you can improve your overall health in a very enjoyable way.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a whole-body (holistic) system of medicine that began in India more than 3,000 years ago. Ayurveda means the study of life. It takes a natural approach to all aspects of health and well-being.

Ayurveda is based on the idea that each person has certain life forces (doshas) and everything in the universe is connected. An imbalance in 1 area can affect another. When the imbalance is not fixed, disease and illness can occur. Ayurveda mostly uses nutrition, lifestyle changes, and natural treatments. These are used to support balance and a return to health. Ayurveda is very focused on overall health. But it may use specific treatments for some diseases.

Camphor Ayurveda


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